Prof. Christoph J. Brabec and Prof. Patrik Schmuki have been recognized for their continuous contributions to cutting-edge research in advanced functional materials by the “Highly Cited Researcher” (HCR) list from Thompson Reuters in 2019.
Prof. Dr. Sannakaisa Virtanen, Head of the Corrosion Research Group at the Institute of Corrosion and Surface Engineering (WW4), has been elected a NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) fellow.
The award ceremony will take place at CORROSION 2020 next March in Houston, Texas, USA.
On 13th November 2019 a delegation of materials science and engineering students from Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, visited the Institute of Biomaterials (WW7).
Fifteen students interested in biomedical materials took part in this study trip.
The visit was sponsored by the German Ac...
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Schubert, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Polymere (WW5), wurde im Rahmen der Polychar-27 (14.-17.10.2019 in Neapel) mit dem renommierten Paul J. Flory Polymer Research Prize ausgezeichnet.
Der Preis ist benannt nach Paul John Flory (1910-1985), einem amerikanischen Chemiker...
Prof. Dr. Zapperi is professor for theoretical physics of condensed matter and coordinator of the Center for Complexity & Biosystems (CC&B) at the University of Milan, Italy. He studied physics at the University La Sapienza in Rome before he took a doctoral degree in physics at Boston Univer...