m4-Award for four FAU materials scientists

Their approach could solve many problems: Erlangen materials scientists Stefan Schrüfer, Ruben G. Scheuring, Janik Altenhöfer and Alexander Björk are jointly developing the first smart bioprinter to enable medical research and the pharmaceutical industry to develop and reproducibly produce meaningful human tissue models. The four researchers at the Chair of Polymer Materials at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) have now received the m4 Award, which is endowed with half a million euros for two years. The quartet also wants to use the innovation to found a start-up under the name RevoBITs.
With a newly developed print head and integrated quality control, RevoBITs offers the technological basis for reducing animal testing in drug development and providing tissue for transplantation medicine in the long term.
The m4 Award is presented to academic research projects with spin-off potential in the field of biomedicine. The aim is to achieve the ability to obtain follow-up financing. All award-winning projects also receive intensive project support on the way to founding a company. The fact that one of the coveted prizes is once again being awarded to young scientists at FAU this year once again underlines the innovative strength of the university: with its focus on research-oriented teaching, FAU enables students to launch their own projects at an early stage of their studies and, thanks to numerous support services, to successfully found their own company.
More information about the project on www.revo-bits.com
More pictures here.
Stefan Schrüfer
Institute for Polymer Materials
Mail: stefan.schruefer@fau.de
Telefon: 09131/85-27733