Five years of funding for the NFDI-MatWerk research consortium

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They form the basis for science, they are increasing in number, they are available in different formats and in different locations: we’re talking about data from public research projects. The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) initiative is in place to ensure that all scientists have access to these 21st century treasures. The decision has now been made as to which ten more consortia will be funded under the NFDI umbrella over the next five years. FAU, which is involved in four of the selected consortia, including MatWerk, is among them.

MatWerk: Data from Materials Science and Engineering

The aim of materials science and engineering is to characterize the physical mechanisms in materials and to develop resource-saving high-performance materials with properties that are as ideal as possible for the respective application. Here, experts optimize everything from the atomic scale to the macro or component scale. The research groups still use their own tools and standards for data processing and storage for the data they have acquired through experiments and simulations. This should change in the coming years.

The desired digital data room of the MatWerk consortium must be able to map the various highly complex relationships between the different material data and be as uncomplicated as possible to use. It should be possible to address data distributed across Germany in such a way that fast, complex search queries and evaluations are possible. Such a technical achievement will also provide an excellent basis for the next generation of artificial intelligence in the field of materials engineering. Prof. Dr. Erik Bitzek from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Chair for General Material Properties) is responsible for the data infrastructure as co-spokesman for the consortium.

Link to MatWerk:

Further information:

Prof. Dr. Erik Bitzek
Tel.: 09131/85-27507