PhD student recieves award

Karsten Leucker, Phd student under Prof. Dr. Dirk W. Schubert, chair of the Institute for Polymer Materials (WW5), received the Carl Klason Student Award for the best poster at „Polychar 26 World Forum on Advanced Materials 2018“ in Tiflis.
The topic of his presentation was: „Revealing correlations of bonding area and pilling behaviour of polyproyplene nonwovens using a novel objective test method“.
Within the framework of his doctoral thesis, Karsten Leucker examines the mechanical behaviour of polypropylene nonwovens in relation to the hardening and also the abrasion behaviour, for which there had been no valid testing method so far. In his talk, he introduced a newly developed testing method as well as first results about the influence of nonwoven hardening on the abrasion behaviour.